Restoring Your Smile as You Age

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If you let your teeth fall into disrepair, it can be harder to climb back up into a period of oral health success. The pitfalls that can affect you early in life will have an even greater effect later in life. This includes the foods you eat, the habits you employ, and the treatments you neglect for cleaning your mouth. Listed below are effective guidelines concerning aging and dental health:

– If you have dentures, be sure to clean them every day before and after removing them. To prevent your dentures from drying out, always soak them in a denture-cleaning solution.
– If you struggle with brushing and flossing your teeth, switch to easier tools such as water flossers and electric toothbrushes.
– Eat a healthy diet that is filled with nutritious substances. This includes the avoidance of sugars and hard foods that can easily damage your teeth.
– Avoid unhealthy habits, or eliminate them from your life completely. This includes smoking, chewing tobacco, and drinking heavy alcohol, as all of these risks can severely damage your smile.
– Attend regular meetings with your dentist for oral exams, oral cancer screenings, and professional cleanings.
– Avoid using abrasive products on your teeth such as toothpaste after eating or toothbrushes that are hard and stiff.

To discuss your oral health options with Dr. Ali Nia and the rest of our team at Mesa Dental Care, simply book an appointment at our dentist office in Mesa, Arizona. Our number is 480-730-0500. Let us help you find your healthy smile.