Make the Most of Your Infant Brushing Habits

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Although your child’s teeth do not require constant attention to every smallest detail, brushing their teeth twice daily can make a huge difference in their oral health. Make the most of your infant brushing habits for your child. For more information about brushing a child’s teeth, consider the following:

– A child’s diet is as vital for their oral health as their overall health, so make proper food choices for your child to enjoy.

– To sidestep the dangers of contamination, never share toothbrushes or cleaning utensils with others, especially children, as doing so can send harmful bacteria from your mouth to theirs, even if you think the brush has been cleaned.

– Sometime before a child’s first birthday, it is recommended to bring your child in to see a pediatrician to ensure their brushing habits are progressing smoothly.

– Only a small amount of toothpaste needs to be used for infants, so strive for an amount about the size of a grain of rice.

If you would like to have your child’s teeth inspected by our team at Mesa Dental Care, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Ali Nia and our team at our dental office in Mesa, Arizona. To schedule a visit, please call us at 480-730-0500. Thanks for visiting with a smile!