A Dental Crown Could Replace Your Unhealthy Filling

When placed, dental fillings are designed to restore areas of tooth decay for several years, but they can’t last forever. Over time, bacteria levels in your mouth invade the lining of your smile where the natural tooth enamel meets the filling, and tooth decay can develop in the tooth. If you noticed a slightly grayed appearance around the filling, this... read more »

Facts About Toothbrushes

Your toothbrush is a handy and important tool that should be used regularly. It can help you clean your teeth and gumline as well as help you have a top-notch oral health and smile. To help you know a little more about toothbrushes, our dentist, Dr. Ali Nia, is happy to share some facts. Those facts are: -It’s best to... read more »

Sensitivity Checkups

Addressing tooth sensitivity is no cake-walk, but fortunately for those of us in the Mesa, Arizona, neighborhood, Dr. Ali Nia is an expert. Read on to find out more about how our staff at Mesa Dental Care can address your tooth sensitivity problems. Caring for tooth sensitivity is one of our specialties, and across the years we've helped a number... read more »

A Closer Look at X-Rays

X-rays are a very important diagnostic tool in dentistry. When you make your first visit to the dentist, he may take an x-ray of your teeth and jaws to get a clear picture of your oral health. The dentist can use the x-rays to track how your teeth and jaws change over the years, which will help in determining your... read more »

The Right Tools For Mouth Care

Your oral hygiene habits don’t mean much if the tools you are using are faulty or inefficacious. Here is a rundown of what you should be looking for in your dental hygiene tools to ensure maximum beneficial effect.   Brush: Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush that has the ADA Seal of Acceptance on the package. Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months,... read more »

Oral Health ABCs: Tooth Decay

Are you familiar with tooth decay? Although tooth decay is extremely common, it can be easily neglected or overlooked despite being one of the most serious ailments that can affect your teeth and gums. The battle against tooth decay never ends. Even if you have optimum oral health and extremely clean teeth one year, neglecting your oral health care treatments... read more »

Inconsistent Flossing Is Often a Factor in Gum Disease Development

Your daily oral hygiene routine helps to remove bacterial deposits from your mouth before they can harden into tartar. As this bacterial rich substance starts to accumulate near the gumline, it can significantly raise your chances of suffering from gum disease and other periodontal health complications. A daily oral hygiene routine of brushing twice and flossing at least once each... read more »

Restoring Your Smile as You Age

If you let your teeth fall into disrepair, it can be harder to climb back up into a period of oral health success. The pitfalls that can affect you early in life will have an even greater effect later in life. This includes the foods you eat, the habits you employ, and the treatments you neglect for cleaning your mouth.... read more »

Chewing Gum and Its Effect on Your Dental Health

If you are seeking to upgrade and enhance your smile, sugarless gum may be a hidden option you will want to consider. Although the substances in sugarless gum have a trivial effect on your smile, it is possible that chewing gum will increase saliva production in your mouth, which is a known cavity-fighter.       Although chewing gum can provide a... read more »