A Compromised Dental Crown Needs Timely Treatment

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Our dentist, Dr. Ali Nia can use a dental crown restoration to address a tooth that has been significantly altered by a large cavity, has lost a significant amount tooth enamel, or has a significant cosmetic imperfection. Sometimes a dental crown might be needed to treat a tooth with a distressed or missing filling or does not have enough natural tooth structure to remain viable on its own. Durable dental materials like porcelain-ceramic, gold, and metal alloys are commonly used in creating a dental crown. It is then married onto the dentin layer of your tooth with a very strong dental adhesive.

As durable as a dental crown can be, there are still some things that can cause it to come loose, or potentially detach from your tooth. This is even more likely to be an issue if poor oral hygiene practices have affected the health of your periodontal tissues. If you have a loose, damaged, or missing dental, crown you need to seek professional dental care. The more time that passes, the more likely you are to experience complications.

While you wait for your appointment, it is best not to brush or floss the compromised dental crown. This could potentially increase the damage and create other problems. Any necessary cleaning measures should be reserved for your dentist and his staff. After assessing your situation, he will help you understand your course of treatment This could involve replacing the dental crown, and a root canal may be needed before placing a new crown.

If you are in the Mesa, Arizona, area and you are having a problem with a dental crown, you can call 480-730-0500 to seek schedule an appointment at Mesa Dental Care.